Thursday, 26 March 2015

Optimal Receiver for Additive White Gaussian Noise Channel

Sometimes students get confused while studying receivers design in Digital communication system. I have just tried to explain things in a concise and simple method.

Lets consider a receiver model as:

so received signal is the additive sum of transmitted symbols and white noise added by the channel.

suppose we received a symbol r and the transmitted symbol was s.

Probability of correct decision given symbol r is received can be written as P(s/r), mathematically

p(Correct - decision/r - received) = p(s - sent/r - received)\\
 \Rightarrow p(correct - decision) = \int {p(correct - decision/r).p(r).dr} 
                                                = \int {p(s - sent/r).p(r).dr}

where , p(r) , probability density function of received vector which is always positive.

Thus , The optimal receiver will be one which maximizes {p(s - sent/r).p(r)} .

The receiver knows the set of symbols which are being used by the transmitter to send data.To decide on s , it is designed to select s among all possible values of s, such that the conditional probability {p(s - sent/r)} is maximum. Mathematically find  s\limits^\^  such that,

                                             s\limits^\^  =  {{\rm{argument }}\max }\limits_{1 \le s \le M} {\rm{ p(s/r)}}{\rm{.p(r)}}

here , we can drop p(r) as the value of p(r) is always positive. Thus the decision rule equation becomes

                                                 s\limits^\^  =  {{\rm{argument }}\max }\limits_{1 \le s \le M} {\rm{ p(s/r)}}
 From the above rule equation we design system for MAP(Maximum aposterior probability) RULE and also ML(Maximum Likelihood) RULE.

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